Time Line Greek Roman


Full European Bronze Age


Dorians conquer Peloponnesos with iron weapons


Start of use or iron


Homeros, poet.


Earth thought of as spherical surface (Eratosthenes)


Full Iron Age in Europe


Hesiodos, poet, Boeotia, Greece


Herakleitos, philosopher, Ephese, Anatolia


Persians (Cyrus) defeat Assyrians, conquer both Babylon and Palestine. Jews sent back to Palestine. Expansion of Persia to an unprecedented empire


Pythagoras, Samos, moved in his 48th year to Croton (Southern Italy)


Leukippus, philosopher, Miletus (now Turkey)


Anaxagoras, philosopher, Clazomenae (now Turkey)


Parmenides, philosopher, Elea, South Italy


Empedokles, philosopher, Sicily-Greece




Demokritos, philosopher


Plato, philosopher, Athens


Aristoteles, philosopher, Stagira, Chalcidice


Epicurus, philosopher, Samos


Alexander the Great, Semites part of Greek (Hellenistic) administrations


Euclides, mathematician, Alexandria


Livius, historian, Rome (died -204)


First books met sowed back (made from sheepskin as a result of an Egyptian ban of export of papyrus rolls, the original form of what was called a book). Invention in Pergamum, hence "parchment". The Egyptian ban is thought to have been the result of a lobby by the library of Alexandria, aspiring to keep her monopoly in scholarship.


Cicero, Latium


Expansion of Roman empire. Mediterranean Semites under Roman influence


Horatius, Rome


Roman emperor Augustus (Died -14)


Roman emperor Tiberius (died -37)


Roman historian Tacitus (died 120)


Augustinus, Algeria


Boethius, Rome