Income and the Decline of Employment Title List

The Future of Employment: On PHiLES   On paper Not in English

The Crisis of July 1st, 2031: Horror or Blessing? (hamminga, B.)

Economics under Vanishing Demand for Human Labour (hamminga, B)

The Future of Employment: On Paper On PHiLES Not in English

hamminga B. (1995) , "Demoralizing the Labour Market: "Could Jobs be like Cars and Concerts?", Journal of Political Philosophy, Vol. 3, no. 1, March 23-35.

hamminga, B., (1987b), "Labour as a utility", in: Rabinovich, V.L. (ed.), Abstracts LMPS '87, Vol 2, Institute of Philosophy of the academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moskou, pp. 498-500. Summary #

hamminga, B., (1991), "Labour as a Utility", in: Neulinger J. (ed.), Newsletter of the Society for the Reduction of Human Labour, Vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 5-6. (see II 4.) Summary #

Van Parijs, P. "Free Riding Versus Rent Sharing.Should Gauthier Support A Basic Income?" In: Fanna, F. and Vanucci, S. (eds.), Ethics, Economics and Rationality, Oxford Un. Pr.

Van Parijs, P. (1989) "On the Ethical Foundations of Basic Income" Papers Prepared for the International Conference "Liberty, Equality, Ecology Around the Ethical Foundations of Basic Income".

Van Parijs, P. (1989) "Maximin Real Freedom in a NonWalrassian World" in Van Parijs, P. What (if anything)

Van Parijs, P. (1991) "Why Surfers Should Be Fed: The Liberal Case or an Unconditional Basic Income" Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol. 20, Nr. 2, p. 101-131.

Van der Veen, R.J. and Van Parijs (1985) "Capitalism, Communism and the Realism of Freedom", Dept. of Economics, Louvain, Working Paper No. 8501

The Future of Employment: Not in English  On PHiLES On paper

Hoeven, van der, E. (1985) "Een beurs voor de verdeling van arbeidsplaatsen: commentaar" Filosofie en Praktijk 6/4, 211-3

Kuipers, Th.A.F. (1985) "Een beurs voor de verdeling van arbeidsplaatsen: een doodgezwegen gedachtenexperiment" Filosofie en Praktijk 6/4, 205-11

Kuipers, Th.A.F. (ed.) (1988/89) Arbeid en werkloosheid, # Wijsgerig Perspectief 29/4

Kwant, R.C. (1988/89) "Werkloosheid, achilleshiel van ons arbeidsbestel" in Kuipers, Th.A.F. (ed.) (1988/89) Arbeid en werkloosheid, Wijsgerig Perspectief 29/4

Schuyt, C.J.M. (1988/89) "Dure arbeid en de vraag naar werk" in Kuipers, Th.A.F. (ed.) (1988/89) Arbeid en werkloosheid, Wijsgerig Perspectief 29/4

Vermeend, W.A. (1988/89) "Aanpak langdurige werkloosheid vraagt om onorthodoxe maatregelen" in Kuipers, Th.A.F. (ed.) (1988/89) Arbeid en werkloosheid, Wijsgerig Perspectief 29/4