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Philes selection of quotes 

Koran 2:190 Do not attack them first
Koran 2:216 Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it.
Koran 2:219 Drinking and gambling have some benefit for men
Koran 2:256 : No Compulsion in Religion
Koran 2:275 No Interest on Debts
Koran 3:130 Believers, do not live on usury!
Koran 3:180 Misers 1: The riches they have hoarded shall become their fetters on the Day of Resurrection
Koran 3:193 Heaven and Hell # 1
Koran 4.1 You can marry up to four free women, provided equality can be maintained, and any number of slave girls.
Koran 4:4 Women and orphans have their own property
Koran 4:11 A male shall inherit twice as much as a female
Koran 4:19 Inheritance of women requires consent
Koran 4:20 If you divorce a woman should should keep her dowry
Koran 4:22 Marriing: no two sisters, no married girls except married slave girls, no fornicaton
Koran 4:25 Slave girls receive dowry too, half the punishment in case of adultery
Koran 4:28 Believers, do not consume your wealth among yourselves in vanity, but rather trade with it by mutual consent.
Koran 4:29 Suicide unislamic
Koran 4:34 Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other. Beat them if disobedient
Koran 4:92 Penalties for killing a fellow believer
Koran 4:159 Jews practised ususy and cheat others of their possessions. Woeful punishment have We prepared for those that disbelieve.
Koran 4:171 Christias: do not say: 'Three.'
Koran 5:65 Some christians are righteous
Koran 5:89 Penalties for broken oaths
Koran 5:90 Wine an abomination devised by Satan
Koran 6:49 No intercessors besides God
Koran 6:50 No Special Powers for Mohammed
Koran 9:35 Misers 2: To those that hoard up gold and silver and do not spend it in God's cause; proclaim a woeful punishment.
Koran 9:72 Heaven and Hell # 2
Koran 10:24 Heaven and Hell # 3
Koran 11:96 Heaven and Hell # 4
Koran 13:18 Heaven and Hell # 5
Koran 13:34 Heaven and Hell # 6
Koran 15:19 Heaven and Hell # 7
Koran 16:14 Sea faring 1: God gives fish and ornaments
Koran 16:31 Heaven and Hell # 8
Koran 17:24 Do not be a miser, but neither be a prodigal.
Koran 18:30 Heaven and Hell # 9
Koran 19:61 Heaven and Hell # 10
Koran 21:96 Heaven and Hell # 11
Koran 22:19 Heaven and Hell # 12
Koran 23:1 Blessed are the believers who restrain their carnal desires, except with their wives and slave-girls.
Koran 24:1 Adultery and lashes
Koran 24:6 Swearing by God can avert woman's punishment (special word from God received by Muhammed to deal with issues discussed concerning prophet's wife)
Koran 24:23 Unclean women are for unclean men, and unclean men for unclean women
Koran 24:26 How to aviod being and object of idle talk (gossip Muhammad's wife).
Koran 24:30 How to restrain carnal desires
Koran 24:33 Let slaves buy their liberty, do not force slave-girls into prostitution
Koran 30:44 Sea faring 2. Seek Gods bounty
Koran 31:20 Sea faring 3. When the waves, like giant shadows, envelop them, they pray to God with all devotion. But no sooner does He bring them safe to land than some of them falter between faith and unbelief.
Koran 33:50 The slave girls whom God has given to you as booty
Koran 34:33 Heaven and Hell # 13
Koran 35:28 Heaven and Hell # 14
Koran 37:26 Heaven and Hell # 15
Koran 38:44 Heaven and Hell # 16
Koran 39:64 Heaven and Hell # 17
Koran 40:66 Heaven and Hell # 18
Koran 42:13 Mohammed claims to be in line which Abraham, Moses, Jesus
Koran 43:63 Heaven and Hell # 19
Koran 44:43 Heaven and Hell # 20
Koran 47:1 Unbelievers in the battlefield: strike off their heads
Koran 47:10 Heaven and Hell # 21 (rivers of wine delectable to those that drink it)

Koran 47:16 Woe the sceptics consulting those endowed with knowledge after you told them to go to war and went.

Koran 47:20 Some long for the forthright Chapter revealing the imminent war, others do not and are warned!

Koran 47:34 Do not sue for Peace!

Koran 48:1 Victory

Koran 48:10 Fate of the desert Arabs, who did not join the war, after victory: no share of spoils, a blazing fire, and forced military service

Koran 48:17 Exemptions from (forced) military service

Koran 48:19 God has promised you rich booty, knows of other spoils which you have not yet taken

Koran 48:29 Followers of Muhammed are ruthless, as described in Torah and Gospel, enrage unbelievers, rich recompense

Koran 49:9 True believers fight in peace

Koran 52:13 Heaven and Hell # 22
Koran 55:35 Heaven and Hell # 23
Koran 56:1 Heaven and Hell # 24, a cup of purest wine (that will neither pain their heads nor take away their reason)
Koran 57:7 Loans to God 1: God gives 100% interest on loans.
Koran 57:20 Life in this world is but a sport
Koran 61:9 Heaven and Hell # 25
Koran 64:14 Loans to God 2 God gives 100% interest on loans plus forgiveness
Koran 66:1 Prohibition. Mohammed frees himself of one his promise to Hafsah, of his wives, to seperate from a Coptic slave girl
Koran 67:13 Unbelievers do not need to see miracles. Let them just watch the birds.
Koran 69:8 Heaven and Hell # 26
Koran 70:8 Heaven and Hell # 27
Koran 73:11 Heaven and Hell # 28
Koran 76:1 Heaven and Hell # 29
Koran 77:1 Heaven and Hell # 30
Koran 83:22 Heaven and Hell # 31
Koran 102:1 Worldly gain