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Bert Tells What He Reads
Created 06-06-0 6 Last edited 16-01-20


Rabelais And His Books Panurge LUI (Lethal Urine Inundation) Johnny the Caulker should prepare for Emperorship cod pieces Synopsis of Gargantua and Pantagruel (in Dutch)


Rabelais and I have long doubted whether I should write this page. The thing is this: both of us have read an awful lot of books and we both like to show off with our knowledge by casually dropping the opinions of every fool in history that ever reached a pen like Hammurabi, Hlderlin, Holmes, Homer, Hooft, Horace, Hsieh K'ang-lo, Hitler, Hemmingway, Hafiz-i Abru, Horkheimer, and who have you. We would not like that kind of imposters to join our ranks that mimics our learned behaviour by just buying Encyclopaedia Britannica software and reading some summaries and overviews teaching you to bluff your way around in the world of learning without actually descending in the bloody shit of having to read it all. To have no fears about such sad, yes, dangerous!, events, the recipe is clear: no summaries, overviews, NO web pages like this one, only the real original texts, only the ones really from the hands of  - in their very own person! - Gadamer, Galbraith, Galileo, Galle, Gallup, Garfield, The Good Gargantua, Gates, De Gaulle, Ghazali, Genesis, Goscinny, God.
But the world has gone wild since Rabelais was born, and, I can assure you - I am now 55 years in this world - with spectacularly increasing speed. PROGRESS is unstoppable, and so is DEGENERATION. Who, for instance, knows us, Rabelais or me? Do not ask about us in the streets, you will have no result whatsoever! Thus, we have decided even to be satisfied if some would-be cocktail party mock scholar drops some of our lines before shifting to the subjects more fashionable in modern days like shooting, bombing, torturing people, fighting smokers and female genital mutilators, harassing people who do not believe in elections and human rights, who have the depressing inhumanity to refuse to fuck people with AIDS and a condom, as well as, not to forget, rogues who dare to open their big dirty mouths to insult mankind with brutalities - sometimes even up to ventilating the truth itself! Internet cannibals, vegetarians, anti-vegetarians, the culturally limited, the cultural relativists, pedophiles, people never watching TV and other distressing global disasters that have arrived or might very well be about to, fortunately way beyond our personal control and responsibility, cheers!

So Rabelais and I made up our minds: on both of our behalves I am going to fulfill our moral obligation to make some (two, to be precise) VERY dirty hands. Here comes trouble: there IS going to be a web page down here!

Jinja, Source Of The Nile, 06-06-06