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Bert reads (Dutch versions added)     About Bert Hamminga     Skip links to Dutch

Old Jews
Old Testament: Sex and Violence. Dutch version
The Apokalyps: And How To Get Saved.  Dutch version
& Old Greeks
Homerus, Ilias:  Death and doom at Troy Dutch version
Parmenides waarom "worden" niet kan (no English version)
Aristophanes over de rijkdom: Plutus (no English version)
Plato, Symposion Dutch version html, pdf
Plato, Seventh Letter: "Never Write About Any Serious Matter" (no Dutch version)
Thucydides: Your neighbour is your enemy, and the enemy of your enemy is your friend (no Dutch version)
Xenophon, Anabasis   Dutch version
Old Romans
Caesar The Gallic War (De Bello Gallico) (no Dutch version)
Caesar Pré du Bonheur, de Gallische oorlog (English version coming)
Caesar over Galliërs en Germanen (English version coming)
Tacitus Annalen bij je moeder op sleeptouw naar het keizerschap (English version coming)
Tacitus Historiae Gaius Julius Civilis, a local lower Rhine leader makes history in 60 AD Dutch version

Cicero over oorzaak en schuld (no English version)
Abrahamic Religion, how it conquered the world Dutch version
Gregorius, rechtgelovige bisschop van Tours (English version coming)
Old Arabs
Koran (no Dutch version)
Ibn Rushd (Averroës) : Rushd's fence Dutch version
Old Europeans
Rabelais: Gargantua et Pantagruel: Here Comes Trouble!   Dutch version
Montaigne De eerste en meteen de laatste meester van het essay (English version coming)
Jean de Léry Travel to Rio in 1556  Dutch version
& Early Enlightenment
Shakespeare: Karen Blixen's Out of Africa en Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice (no English version)
Cartesian Nightmares    Dutch version
Alexandre Olivier Exquemelin, Among the Caraibbian Pirates Dutch version
Spinoza Ethica (no Dutch version)
Less Old Europeans
Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe (no Dutch version)
Bernard Mandeville, The Fable of the Bees (no Dutch version)
Adam Smith: Wealth of Nations (no Dutch version)
Voltaire: Candide (no Dutch version)
Goethe: Faust (no Dutch version)
Ali Bey el Abbassi (Domingo Badia y Leblich) Voyages d'Ali Bey en Afrque et en Asie (in Dutch, no English version)
Gogol: Revisor (no Dutch version)
Hildebrand, Camera Obscura   Dutch version
Hector Malot Sans famille, Alleen op de wereld (no English version)
Proust, À la recherche du temps perdu   Dutch version  (under construction)
Maarten Maartens God's Fool   Dutch version
James Joyce, Ulysses  Dutch version
Marcel Proust A la recherche du temps perdu   Dutch version
Robert Musil Der Mann Ohne Eigenschaften (werk in uitvoering)
Einstein  Bert Reads Einstein Bert leest Einstein
Evelyn Waugh: Black Mischief   (no Dutch version)
Platonov: Tsjevengur  (English version coming)
Germaanse boerendorpen: Over Jorwerd, God en een mevrouw uit Wassenaar  (no English version)
Lale Gül gaat leven. Twee ouwe tatta's eppen over Lale.