Bert hamminga Rules for Mailing Assignments

An assignment consists of a number of questions and exercises that I put on an assignment form. Students have to mail the answers to me, typed in this form behind the word "antwoord" ("answer") following every question. Since filing and correcting is guided and structured by a computer programme you should follow the instructions below very carefully or your assignment may drop out, and surely your rate will be affected since learning to mail properly is part of the teaching goals of this course.

Click now for an assignment form example. This is not your assignment form. It is only an example. Look at it and continue reading this page.

As you saw, the assignment code is already written for you on the form. The three other items in the header: ANR, file name and KUB card name you will have to complete. When you prepare your assignment you act as follows:

  1. Select the full page of the assignment form (Ctrl+A),  copy this selection (Ctrl+C), and paste it (Ctrl+V) in an empty doc of the programme you normally use for typing text (Notepad, Edit, MSWord, WordPerfect or whatever).
  2. Save the doc as ????????.txt where ???????? are the first 8 letters of your family name exactly as it occurs on your KUB card (less than 8 if your family name is shorter). Save as TXT!!
  3. Fill out the header (you give, again, your ???????? eight digit txt-file name). Important: do not erase any non blank character already written on the form. Just start everywhere right after "=". Your areas are the red ones in the assignment form example.
  4. No points in your ANR (no 33.22.11 but 332211).
  5. Answer every question starting behind "antwoord:" (answer:).Important: do not erase anything already written on the form.
  6. Language of your answers. Dutch courses: Dutch or English. English courses: only English.
  7. When you are ready, prepare an email to
  8. Put in the subject window the assignment code, also shown on top of your assignment form.
  9. Attach your assignment form saved as ????????.txt. Remember: TXT!! Absolutely no other features. Use Pegasus Mail only if you have nothing else (like Netscape or Microsoft Outlook). Pegasus mail users enable: no encoding.

Do NOT, as some people do:

WARNING: failure to meet these rules affects your rating and may cause your assignment to drop out.

About PASTING answers:

If you paste answers from the web, it is not possible for me to help you checking whether you correctly understood things. If you paste under the right question, then your will share your points with the source (web text or fellow student). If you paste under the wrong question, you will obviously have no points at all.
Think, dont paste! Cooperation is very good, but only until you start answering the questions. It is essential for the learning process that you learn to answer the questions all by yourself, in your own words. That is a matter of private intellectual hygiene.