Philosophy of Economy: Lecture Notes

Bert hamminga Lecture Notes Philosophy of Economy  version 991102

1 Identifying culture groups Questions
2 Time, economics and business   Questions
3 Knowledge   Questions
4 The Western versus the African Time Concept   Questions
5 Epistemology from the African point of view   Questions
6 Economics, Philosophy And The Social Morality Of Colonialism   Questions
7 Different Capitalist Cultures  Questions
8 Capitalism and Honesty    Questions
9 Cultures and Hierarchy    Questions
10 Le Penseur Africain    Questions
11 The Philosophy of Rated Assignments Questions
12 Asian Values by Berton Woodward Questions
13 Moscows Moral Atmosphere in the First Years of Transition Questions
14 Siberie, NRC Handelsblad Moskou Bureau  g English translation Questions
15 Piraat, NRC Handelsblad Moskou Bureau g English translation Questions
16 How "pure" can economics be? Questions
17 The French! Questions
18 Power Questions
19 Zelfvertrouwen in Japan
20 Economy: modern market versus near subsistence