Bert hamminga Evaluation Philosophy of Economy 1999          version date 991201

Back to Assignments

  1. What is your opinion on doing assignments this way?
  2. And on rating them three times two points, ending with a exam rated 1-4 points?
  3. Clearly only very few did the unrated assignments. Why?
  4. Average presence was about 35 or less than 50%. I think it should be 100%. Do you agree? Why do people stay away?
  5. What was the most interesting part of the course?
  6. What was the least interesting part of the course?
  7. Is there anything you would like to have learned more about?
  8. Other comments?
  9. Other suggestions?
  10. Other criticism?
  11. Other complaints?

Be sure I appreciate everything you write, no matter whether or not

  1. you can answer only part of the questions.
  2. what you have to say is negative
  3. you feel unsure you're right in what you say!