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Philosophers in digrace: Until the 16th century, philosophy was a dangerous profession: you could get poisoned (Socrates), you could have your head chopped off (Boethius), you could be burned (Bruno) or narrowly escape it (Galilei), and being banned from your community and even your city (Spinoza).
In later centuries, the worst that could happen to you was being shot by one of your students seeking thus to regain the certainties you robbed him of.

Philosophers in demand: On the other hand, other thinkers who came to be subsumed under the protagonists in the history of philosophy thrived in the courts and universities and knew how to please those by whom they were fed.

These pages describe the problems and benefits philosophers got from their thoughts and from the ways in which they expressed them.

Philosophers in disgrace Socrates Boethius Ibn Rushd (among catholics) Siger de Brabant Bruno Galileo Spinoza Schlick
Philosophers in demand Ibn Rushd (among muslims and protestants) Thomas Aquinas Hegel Heidegger