Group Communications

PHiLES Communications

Current contributors:

WB Wolfgang Balzer Institut fuer Philosophie, Logik und Wissenschaftstheorie, Universitaet Muenchen (Germany) Home Page:
EB   Prof. Brugmans, Edith Retired former Prof. in Philosophy, Leyden University, The Netherlands, now retired, contact
HB   Fr. Burgman, Hans Kisumu, Kenya contact
BH   Dr. hamminga, Bert, Cultural Research Centre Jinja, Uganda

About Bert hamminga

BK Dr. Kerkhof, Bert, Philosophy, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, retired. contact
HV   Prof. Visser, Henk, Philosophy, Maastricht University, The Netherlands contact
MT   Dr. Timmer, Marcel Economics, Eindhoven University, The Netherlands contact
PK   Fr. Korse, Piet Cultural Research Centre Jinja, retired, Oosterbeek, The Netherland contact