About PHiLES

"Smith, A. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations, 1776"

Aren't we blessed to live in the era where the internet has liberated us from the notorious author-title-date format in academic intercourse? From the shame caused by rereading the crap we academics printed on paper in our erring past, not being able to upload an update? From seeing our publications resting date-frozen in that paper library like grave monuments? Long live Wikipedia! PHiLES (Philosophy, Logic, Economics and Society) adds to variety by concentrating on issues of Nomadic Philosophy, likely to meet too much surprise in the Wiki forums to smoothly reach its pages. Keep using Wikipedia but think of us for a second opinion.

In editing this site, stoicism, personal and intuitive criteria prevail. Boosting scientific prestige is not the purpose. PHiLES is meant to supply its kind of service to every interested visitor, no matter the level of relevant background knowledge. You will discover that even simple issues can look different from original angles. Authors update any time they feel the need. Test here whether you have the required level.

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Thursday, February, 29, 2001
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