milogsm_yellow.jpg (7806 bytes)About MIND        

MIND Foundation seeks to enhance awareness of differences between cultures by means of

MIND deals with the problems people of different cultures encounter in dealing with each other.

MIND supports PHiLES. The PHiLES pages on concentrate on problems and approaches within the wide realm of philosophy, history, logic, economics and society, from a broad cultural perspective.

MIND is funded by private gifts. MIND is registered in the Netherlands as a foundation promoting general interest, which means that gifts to MIND are tax deductible. Gifts to MIND shall never be used as gifts to other people. Money supplied by MIND is always in the form of very small participations in business of individual private citizens, on the basis of personal trust en expectation of proper refunding. They are never merely meant to help people, but should always have an effect on understanding, either at the side of MIND and those who profit from its findings, or on the side of the person MIND lends to, or both. Other needs of MIND are: notebooks, software, communication, transport, books (both for our research libraries and for the people we deal with).

MIND Foundation
Amersfoortsestraatweg 122
1411 HJ
Naarden, The Netherlands
KvK reg. Nr. 18052756