pp3p03 (causa) proxima

Meaning The immediately preceding cause (in a chain of causation - that is a chain of different things causing each other in turn) , opposed to causa remota (remote cause)
Occurrence [geomap]
1p28s causa absolute proxima remota
... As certain things must be produced immediately by God, namely those things which necessarily follow from his absolute nature, through the means of these primary attributes, which, nevertheless, can neither exist nor be conceived without God, it follows ... ... Cum quaedam a Deo immediate produci debuerunt videlicet ea quae ex absoluta ejus natura necessario sequuntur et alia mediantibus his primis quae tamen sine Deo nec esse nec concipi possunt, hinc sequitur ...
... 1. That God is absolutely the proximate cause of those things immediately produced by him. I say absolutely, not after his kind, as is usually stated. For the effects of God cannot either exist or be conceived without a cause  ... ... I. quod Deus sit rerum immediate ab ipso productarum causa absolute proxima, non vero in suo genere ut aiunt. Nam Dei effectus sine sua causa nec esse nec concipi possunt ...
... 2. That God cannot properly be styled the remote cause of individual things, except for the sake of distinguishing these from what he immediately produces, or rather from what follows from his absolute nature ... ... Sequitur II. quod Deus non potest proprie dici causa esse remota rerum singularium nisi forte ea de causa ut scilicet has ab iis quas immediate produxit vel potius quae ex absoluta ejus natura sequuntur, distinguamus ...
... For, by a remote cause, we understand a cause which is in no way conjoined to the effect. But all things which are, are in God, and so depend on God, that without him they can neither be nor be conceived ... ... Nam per causam remotam talem intelligimus quae cum effectu nullo modo conjuncta est. At omnia quae sunt in Deo sunt et a Deo ita dependent ut sine ipso nec esse nec concipi possint ...
{3p03 actiones adaequatis passiones inadaequatis}         ... causa proxima used in proof ...
.. Whatsoever ... follows from the nature of mind, and has mind for its proximate cause, through which it must be understood, must necessarily follow either from an adequate or from an inadequate idea ... ... Quicquid ergo ex mentis natura sequitur et cujus mens causa est proxima per quam id debet intelligi, necessario ex idea adaequata vel [excl exh] inadaequata sequi debet ...
{4p35 ex ductu rationis semper conveniunt}                       ... causa proxima used in proof ...
... what so ever follows from human nature in so far as it is defined by reason must (III. Def. ii.) be understood solely through human nature as its proximate cause. ... quicquid ex humana natura quatenus ratione definitur, sequitur id (per definitionem 2 partis III {3d02}) per solam humanam naturam tanquam per proximam suam causam debet intelligi ...