pp1p16c1 (causa) efficiens
Meaning Unclear. {2d05 duratio} explanation: "[a cause] which necessarily gives the existence of the thing, but does not take it away."
Related concepts {3d01 causa adaequata^inadaequata, partiale} , {4d03 contingens^necessarius}, pp1a03 causa effectus, pp1p16c2 per accidens
Occurrence [geomap]
1p33s1 contingentes                                                                  ...causa efficiens connected to {4d03 contingens^necessarius}
...A thing is called necessary either in respect to its essence or in respect to its cause; for the existence of a thing necessarily follows, either from its essence and definition, or from a given efficient cause. ...
...Res aliqua necessaria dicitur vel ratione suae essentiae vel[excl-non exh]  ratione causae. Rei enim alicujus existentia vel[excl-non exh] ex ipsius essentia et definitione vel ex data causa efficiente necessario sequitur...
{2d05 duratio} 2d05 duratio [notes]
Explanation ... [a thing's] efficient cause, which necessarily gives the existence of the thing, but does not take it away. EXPLICATIO ... [rei] causa efficiente quae scilicet rei existentiam necessario ponit, non autem tollit.
{3p16 imaginamur simile}                                            ...causa per accidens as opposed to causa efficiens...
...the thing...will be accidentally...a cause of pleasure or pain. ...not the efficient cause... res ....erit ...per accidens ... causa ...non sit horum affectuum causa efficiens....