pp1d02 terminare
Meaning Limiting. {1d02} defining (in)finite, reads: "a body is called finite because we always conceive another greater body. So, also, a thought is limited by another thought, but a body is not limited by thought, nor a thought by body". Each kind of thing is in the attribute of its kind: the attribute of extension or the attribute of thought. Things in the attribute of extension are of corporeal nature, have a weight and a position. Things in the attribute of thought haven't but follow from others, are inconsistent with others, etc. Related: cartesian corpuscular physics: Spinoza's {2p07}-parallelism: the attribute of thinking internally has an ordo et connexio identical (idem) to the extended space.
Occurrence [geomap]
{1d02 in suo genere finita^absoluta infinita}                       ...the verb terminare in full action...
...A thing is called finite after its kind, when it can be limited by another thing of the same nature; for instance, a body is called finite because we always conceive another greater body. So, also, a thought is limited by another thought, but a body is not limited by thought, nor a thought by body. ...Ea res dicitur in suo genere finita quae alia ejusdem naturae terminari potest. Exempli gratia corpus dicitur finitum quia aliud semper majus concipimus. Sic cogitatio alia cogitatione terminatur. At corpus non terminatur cogitatione nec cogitatio corpore.
pp1d02 terminare