
Meaning Virtue
Mantras [what is] Ex virtute agere
Related concepts {3d02 agere}
Occurrence [geomap] Preoccurs from {3p55c2} 
{3p55c2 Nemo virtutem alicui nisi quali invidet}                 ... virtus equivalent to agendi potentia (passim)  ...
 ... power of activity or virtue (which is the same thing) ...  ... agendi potentiam seu [mng-eqv] (quod idem est) virtutem  ...
{4d08 virtus}                                                                                          ..as  with the definition featuring  perfectio and realitas, this definition is geometrically defective since the connector idem lacks asymetry specifying whether virtus is defined by potentia or the other way around ...
 ...  By virtue  ...  and power I mean the same thing; that is  ...  virtue, in so far as it is referred to man, is a man's nature or essence, in so far as it has the power of effecting what can only be understood by the laws of that nature.  ...  Per virtutem et potentiam idem intelligo hoc est (per propositionem 7 partis III {3p07}) virtus quatenus ad hominem refertur, est ipsa hominis essentia seu [mng eqv] natura quatenus potestatem habet quaedam efficiendi quae per solas ipsius naturae leges possunt intelligi.. 
4p18s humanae impotentiae et inconstantiae causas       ...  more about virtue  ...
 ... virtue is nothing else but action in accordance with the laws of one's own nature ... the foundation of virtue is the endeavour to preserve one's own being, and that happiness consists in man's power of preserving his own being ... .  ... .virtus  ... nihil aliud est quam ex legibus propriae naturae agere  ...  virtutis fundamentum esse ipsum conatum proprium esse conservandi et felicitatem in eo consistere quod homo suum esse conservare potest ... 
{4p22c Conatus conservandi}                                                         ...  repeated in deductive structure  ...
 ... The effort for self-preservation is the first and only foundation of virtue ... .  ... Conatus sese conservandi primum et unicum virtutis est fundamentum ...
{4p24  Ex virtute ductu esse conservare idem}                       ...  these three expressions are identical in meaning  ...
To act  ... in obedience to virtue is in us the same thing as to act, to live, or to preserve one's being (these three terms are identical in meaning) in accordance with the dictates of reason on the basis of seeking what is useful to one's self. Ex virtute ...  agere nihil aliud in nobis est quam ex ductu rationis agere, vivere, suum esse conservare (haec tria idem significant) idque ex fundamento proprium utile quaerendi. 

Equivalence claims involving virtus
{3p55c2} 1. power to act 2. endeavour 1. agendi potentiam 2. virtutem
{4d08} [notes
1. virtue 2. power 2. a man's nature or essence, in so far as it has the power of effecting what can only be understood by the laws of that nature. 1. virtutem 2. potentiam 3. ipsa hominis essentia seu [mng eqv] natura quatenus potestatem habet quaedam efficiendi quae per solas ipsius naturae leges possunt intelligi
{4p23} [About doing] 1.  he does something, which is perceived through his essence alone 2. which adequately follows from his virtue [De actioni] 1. ipsius essentiam percipitur 2. ipsius virtute adaequate sequitur
{4p24} 1. To act absolutely in obedience to virtue 2. to act 3. to live 4. preserve one's being 1. Ex virtute absolute agere 2. ex ductu rationis agere 3. vivere 4. suum esse conservare
{4p35c2} [About people] 1. seeks what is useful to him 2. endeavours to preserve himself 3. endowed with virtue 4. endowed with power to act according to the laws of his own nature 5. live in obedience to reason. [De hominum] 1. utile quaerit 2. se conservare conatur 3. virtute praeditus [est] 4. potentia praeditus est ad agendum ex suae naturae legibus 5. [potentia praeditus est ad] vivendum ex ductu rationis
{4p52} [About people] 1. power to act 2. virtue 3. reason [De hominum] 1. agendi potentia 2. virtus 3. ratio
{4p53} [About emotions] 1. is (not) a virtue 2. does (not) originate from reason [De affectibus] 1. virtus non est 2. ex ratione non oritur
{4p54} [About emotions] 1. is not a virtue 2. does not originate from reason  [De affectibus] 1.  virtus non est 2. ex ratione non oritur
{4p69} 1. virtue 2. strength 1. virtus 2. fortitudo
{5p25} 1. [the mind's highest] virtue 2  ... power ...  3  ... nature ...  4.  ... endeavour ...  5. understand things by the third kind of knowledge.  1. summa mentis virtus 2. [summa] mentis potentia. 3. [summa mentis] natura 4. summus conatus 5. res intelligere tertio cognitionis genere
{5p27} [It is the mind's highest virtue] 1. to know God 2. to understand things by the third kind of knowledge  [Summa mentis virtus est] 1. Deum cognoscere 2. res tertio cognitionis genere intelligere 
{5p41} 1. The first and only foundation of virtue 2. the rule of right living 3. seeking one's own true interest 1. Primum et unicum virtutis 2. recte vivendi rationis fundamentum 3. suum utile quaerere.