{3de06 amor}

Meaning love, an emotion (affectus), type of laetitia, an operation of the mind in other words: a cogitatio operatio, The amor-definition is the first emotion (affectus)-definition that uses the mantra "concomitante idea causae externae"
Subsets (kinds) favor, existimation, superbia, gratia, gratitudo, luxuria, avaritia, libido (linked to in list of equivalents claims below) amor dei intellectualis
Mantras [what is] amor dei intellectualis
Occurrence [geomap] Proccurs from {1p31}
{1p31 Intellectus naturatam naturantem}                            ...amor, like all other emotions, will (voluntas) and everything else that happens in the mind is part of thinking (cogitatio-operatio) together with intelligere, comprehendere, concipere, percipere...all claimed passive in {1p31}...
...The intellect in function, whether finite or infinite, just like will, desire, love, &c., should be referred to passive nature and not to active nature. ...Intellectus actu sive [excl exh] is finitus sit sive [excl exh] infinitus, ut et voluntas, cupiditas, amor etc. ad Naturam naturatam, non vero ad naturantem referri debent.
...intellect...a certain mode of thinking, differing from other modes, such as love, desire, &c. ....must ...be referred to nature passive rather than to nature active, as must also the other modes of thinking... ...Intellectum enim ...certum tantum modum cogitandi, qui modus ab aliis scilicet cupiditate, amore, etc. ...concipi debet ut sine ipso nec esse nec concipi possit ...ad Naturam naturatam, non vero naturantem referri debet ut etiam reliqui modi cogitandi...
{5p17c Deus neminem amatae neque odio habet}          ... but see quote of 5p36c below ...
... God does not love or hate anyone ... ... Deus  ...  neminem amat neque odio habet ... 
{5p32c amor Dei intellectualis }
....intellectual love of God...pleasure accompanied by the idea of God as cause...in so far as we understand him to be eternal... ...amor Dei intellectualis. ... laetitia concomitante idea Dei tanquam causa ...quatenus Deum aeternum esse intelligimus... 
{5p36c amor Dei erga homines Deum amor intellectualis idem} ... but see quote of 5p17c above ...
...the love of God towards men, and the intellectual love of the mind towards God are identical. ... amor Dei erga homines et mentis erga Deum amor intellectualis unum et idem sit. 

Equivalence claims involving amor
{3de06} [notes] 1. Love 2. pleasure, accompanied by the idea of an external cause 1. Amor 2. laetitia concomitante idea  causae externae
{3de19} 1. Approval 2. love towards one who has done good to another. 1. Favor 2. amor erga aliquem qui alteri benefecit. 
{3de21} 1. Partiality 2. thinking too highly of anyone because of the love we bear him. 1.Existimatio 2. de aliquo prae amore plus justo sentire
{3de28} 1. Pride 2. thinking too highly of one's self from self-love. 1. Superbia 2. de se prae amore sui plus justo sentire
{3de34} 1. Thankfulness 2. Gratitude 3. the desire or zeal springing from love, whereby we endeavour to benefit him, who with similar feelings of love has conferred a benefit on us. 1. Gratia 2. gratitudo 3. cupiditas seu [non-excl non-exh] amoris studium quo ei benefacere conamur qui in nos pari amoris affectu beneficium contulit.
{3de45} 1. Luxury 2. excessive desire, or even love of living sumptuously. 1. Luxuria 2. immoderata convivandi cupiditas vel [non-excl non-exh] etiam amor
{3de47} 1. Avarice 2. the excessive desire and love of riches. 1. Avaritia 2. immoderata divitiarum cupiditas et amor
{3de48} 1. Lust 2. desire and love in the matter of sexual intercourse. 1. Libido 2. etiam cupiditas et amor in commiscendis corporibus
{5p37} [intellectual love] 1. is/is not contrary 2. can/cannot destroy 1. [amori intellectuali] sit contrarium 2. [amori intellectuali] possit tollere
{5p42} 1. love 2. blessedness 1. amore 2. beatitudine 
{5p42} 1. divine love 2. blessedness 1. amore divino 2. beatitudine