{3de02 laetitia}

Meaning Pleasure, an emotion (affectus) state change of human being to greater perfection
Subsets (kinds) Amor, spes, gaudium, acquiescentia, gloria (linked to in equivalence claim section below)
Related concepts Tristitia (emotion, affectus, state change of human being to less perfection)
Occurrence [geomap] Preoccurs from {3p15}
{4p63c bonum directe malum indirecte}                               ...Pleasurable emotions can be passive but those pleasurable emotions that spring from reason can not...
Proof.-Desire which springs from reason can only spring from a pleasurable emotion, wherein the mind is not passive ... DEMONSTRATIO: Nam cupiditas quae ex ratione oritur, ex solo laetitiae affectu quae passio non est, oriri potest ...
Equivalence claims involving laetitia
{3p30} [About humans] 1. be affected by pleasure, accompanied by the idea of oneself as cause 2. regard oneself with pleasure. [De hominum] 1. laetitia concomitante idea sui tanquam causa afficietur 2. se ipsum cum laetitia contemplabitur
{3p34} 1. we regard ourselves with pleasure 2. we feel honoured 1. laetitia nosmet contemplabimur 2. gloriabimur.
{3de02} 1. Pleasure 2. the transition of a man from a less to a greater perfection 1. Laetitia 2. hominis transitio a minore ad majorem perfectionem
{3de06} [notes] 1. Love 2. pleasure, accompanied by the idea of an external cause 1. Amor 2. laetitia concomitante idea causae externae
{3de12} 1. Hope 2. an inconstant pleasure, arising from the idea of something past or future, whereof we to a certain extent doubt the issue. 1. Spes 2. inconstans laetitia orta ex idea rei futurae vel [excl non-exh] praeterit de cujus eventu aliquatenus dubitamus. 
{3de16} 1. Joy 2. pleasure accompanied by the idea of something past, which has had an issue beyond our hope. 1. Gaudium 2. laetitia concomitante idea rei praeterit quae praeter spem evenit. 
{3de25} 1. Self-approval 2. pleasure arising from a man's contemplation of himself and his own power of action. 1.Acquiescentia in se ipso 2. laetitia orta ex eo quod homo se ipsum suamque agendi potentiam contemplatur
{3de30} 1. Honour 2. pleasure accompanied by the idea of some action of our own, which we imagine to be praised by others. 1. Gloria 2. laetitia concomitante idea alicujus nostrae actionis quam alios laudare imaginamur