{2d03 idea}

Forms "ideare", as in "res ideata" (the thing which is the object if the idea), inventive Latin, inspired by Dutch grammar: "het gedachte ding" ("the thing thought about", perfect passive of Dutch denken (thinking)).
Meaning Idea, thought, conception. For instance, the idea of an apple, and the idea of an idea. Our mind has ideas but as a sum total the mind is just a complex idea. Any type of knowledge is a complex idea as well.
Subsets (kinds) adaequata ^ inadaequata
existens ^ non existens (see below)
Mantras [what is] idea sive [eqv-mng] cognitio, idea rei, ideas habet, ideas percipit, idea Dei, res ideata,
in definitions of emotions: concomitante idea causae externae
Related concepts cogitatio sense 1, conceptus
Operations of the mind that cause the formation of ideas are part of the types of cogitatio-operatio (cogitatio-sense 3). There are 9 terms used for such operations: sentire, percipere, concipere, imaginare, considerare, contemplare, comprehendere, intelligere and ratiocinare
Occurrence  [geomap] Preoccurs from {1a06} ,
{1a06 idea convenire}
 ... A true idea must correspond with its ideate or object.  ... Idea vera debet cum suo ideato convenire.
{2d03 idea} 
 ...  By idea, I mean the mental conception which is formed by the mind as a thinking thing.  ...  Per ideam intelligo  mentis conceptum quem mens format propterea quod res est cogitans.
{2a1.3 Modi cogitandi idea rei}                                                  ... idea rei and that res itself ...
 ... Modes of thinking, such as love, desire, or any other of the passions, do not take place, unless there be in the same individual an idea of the thing loved, desired, &c. But the idea can exist without the presence of any other mode of thinking.  ... Modi cogitandi ut amor, cupiditas vel [excl non-exh] quicunque nomine affectus animi insigniuntur, non dantur nisi in eodem individuo detur idea rei amat, desiderat etc. At idea dari potest quamvis nullus alius detur cogitandi modus.
{2p05 Esse formale idearum}                                                       ...  every idea is paired to an object  ...
 ...  their objects (ideata) or the things perceived ...   ...  ideata sive [mng-eqv]  res perceptas  ...
2p07s substantia cogitans et substantia extensa una       ...  res sense 3: res-substantia with its idea as just one expression ...
 ... a mode of extension and the idea of that mode are one and the same thing, though expressed in two ways.  ... modus extensionis et idea illius modi una eademque est res sed duobus modis expressa
{2p08c  rerum non existentium ideae non existunt}         ... Ideas of non-existent things are non-existent ideas ...
 ...  so long as particular things do not exist, except in so far as they are comprehended in the attributes of God, their representations in thought or ideas do not exist, except in so far as the infinite idea of God exists; and when particular things are said to exist, not only in so far as they are involved in the attributes of God, but also in so far as they are said to continue, their ideas will also involve existence, through which they are said to continue.  ... quod quamdiu res singulares non existunt nisi quatenus in Dei attributis comprehenduntur, earum esse objectivum sive[mng-eqv] ideae non existunt nisi quatenus infinita Dei idea existit et ubi res singulares dicuntur existere non tantum quatenus in Dei attributis comprehenduntur sed quatenus etiam durare dicuntur, earum ideae etiam existentiam per quam durare dicuntur, involvent.
{2p09 Idea rei singularis causa}                                                  ... idea of an individual thing actually existing ...
 ... The idea of an individual thing actually existing is caused by God, not in so far as he is infinite, but in so far as he is considered as affected by another idea of a thing actually existing, of which he is the cause, in so far as he is affected by a third idea, and so on to infinity.  ... Idea rei singularis actu existentis  Deum pro causa habet non quatenus infinitus est sed quatenus alia rei singularis actu  existentis idea affectus consideratur cujus etiam Deus est causa quatenus alia tertia affectus est et sic in infinitum.
 ... The idea of an individual thing actually existing is an individual mode of thinking ...  ... Idea rei singularis actu  existentis modus singularis cogitandi est ...
2p17s Videmus itaque non sunt veluti praesentia               ...  the adequate idea of Peter ceases to exist when Peter dies, but Paul's idea of Peter remains  ...
 ...  the difference between the idea, say, of Peter, which constitutes the essence of Peter's mind, and the idea of the said Peter, which is in another man, say, Paul. The former directly answers to the essence of Peter's own body, and only implies existence so long as Peter exists; the latter indicates rather the disposition of Paul's body than the nature of Peter, and, therefore, while this disposition of Paul's body lasts, Paul's mind will regard Peter as present to itself, even though he no longer exists  ...   ...  differentia inter ideam exempli gratia Petri quae essentiam mentis ipsius Petri constituit et inter ideam ipsius Petri quae in alio homine, puta in Paulo, est. Illa enim essentiam corporis ipsius Petri directe explicat nec existentiam involvit nisi quamdiu Petrus existit; haec autem magis constitutionem corporis Pauli quam Petri naturam indicat et ideo durante illa corporis Pauli constitutione mens Pauli quamvis Petrus non existat, ipsum tamen ut sibi praesentem contemplabitur  ...
2p43s praecedentem propositionem manifestam              ...  an idea is not quid mutum  ...
 ...  he thinks that an idea is something lifeless, like a picture on a panel, and not a mode of thinking-namely, the very act of understanding  ...  ...  putet ideam quid mutum instar picturae in tabula et non modum cogitandi esse nempe ipsum intelligere  ... 
{5p05 Affectus erga rem simpliciter}                                        ... ideas, are indirectly in God = natura-sense 2 = substance, namely under the attribute of cogitatio, but the actual being (esse formale) of ideas is directly caused by God, unmediated by any attribute ...
The actual being of ideas  ... .
( ... owns God as its cause, only in so far as he is considered as a thinking thing, not in so far as he is unfolded in any other attribute; that is, the ideas both of the attributes of God and of particular things do not own as their efficient cause their objects (ideata) or the things perceived, but God himself in so far as he is a thinking thing.)
 " ... Esse formale idearum  ...

Equivalence claims involving idea
{2d03} [notes] 1. idea 2. the mental conception which is formed by the mind as a thinking thing. 1. ideam 2. mentis conceptum quem mens format propterea quod res est cogitans.
{2d04} [notes] 1. adequate idea 2. an idea which, in so far as it is considered in itself, without relation to the object, has all the properties or intrinsic marks of a true idea. 1. [ideam] adaequatam 2. [ideam] quae quatenus in se sine relatione ad objectum consideratur, omnes verae ideae proprietates sive [mng eqv]  denominationes intrinsecas habet.
{2p05} 1. the objects of ideas [Dutch: het gedachte, German: das Gedachte] 2. perceived things 1. ideata 2. res perceptas
{2p08c} [About things] 1. their objective being 2. [their] ideas [De reis] 1. earum esse objectivum 2. [earum] ideae
{2p09} [about ideas as causes] 1. Another idea 2. God in as far he is considered affected by another idea [De ideis quatenus causis] 1. alia idea 2. Deus quatenus alia idea affectus consideratur
{2p12} [About all that comes to pass in the object of the idea, which constitutes the human mind] 1. [it] must be perceived by the human mind 2. there will necessarily be an idea [of it] in the human mind. [De quicquid in objecto ideae humanam mentem constituentis contingit] 1. id ab humana mente debet percipi 2. ejus rei dabitur in mente necessario idea
{2p12} 1. Whatsoever comes to pass in the object of the idea, which constitutes the human mind, must be perceived by the human mind, or there will necessarily be an idea in the human mind of the said occurrence. 2. if the object of the idea constituting the human mind be a body, nothing can take place in that body without being perceived by the mind. 1. uicquid in objecto ideae humanam mentem constituentis contingit, id ab humana mente debet percipi sive [mng eqv]  ejus rei dabitur in mente necessario idea 2. si objectum ideae humanam mentem constituentis sit corpus, nihil in eo corpore poterit contingere quod a mente non percipiatur.
{2p19} 1. idea 2. knowledge 1. idea 2. cognitio
{2p19} [About the human body] 1. in so far as he is regarded as affected by another idea of a particular thing actually existing 2. inasmuch as the human body stands in need of very many bodies  [De corpori humane] 1. quatenus alia rei singularis idea affectus consideratur 2. quatenus plurimis corporibus indiget
{2p19} [About God and the human mind] 1. God has the idea of the human body 2. [God] knows the human body, in so far as he is affected by very many other ideas, and not in so far as he constitutes the nature of the human mind [De deo et menti humane] 1. [Deus] ideam corporis humani habet 2. [Deus] corpus humanum cognoscit quatenus plurimis aliis ideis affectus est et non quatenus naturam humanae mentis co constituit
{2p20} 1. idea 2. knowledge 1. idea 2. cognitio
{2p22} 1. idea 2. knowledge 1. idea 2. cognitio
{2p23} 1. idea 2. knowledge 1. idea 2. cognitio
{2p24} 1. idea 2. knowledge 1. idea 2. cognitio
{2p25} 1. idea 2. knowledge 1. idea 2. cognitio
{2p25} 1. an adequate knowledge of the external body is not in God, in so far as he has the idea of the modification [Lat: affectiones] of the human body 2. the idea of the modification [Lat: affectiones] of the human body does not involve an adequate knowledge of the external body. 1. corporis externi adaequata cognitio in Deo non est quatenus ideam affectionis humani corporis habet 2. idea affectionis corporis humani adaequatam corporis externi cognitionem non involvit.
{2p28} 1. consequences without premisses 2. confused ideas. 1. consequenti absque praemissis 2. ideae confusae
{2p29} [About the ideas of affections of the human body] 1. do not involve an adequate knowledge of the said body 2. does not adequately express its nature 3. they do not adequately agree with the nature of the mind 4. the ideas of such ideas do not adequately express the nature of the human mind 5. [the ideas of such ideas] do not involve an adequate knowledge thereof. [De ideis affectionis corporis humani] 1. adaequatam ipsius corporis cognitionem non involvit 2. ejus naturam adaequate non exprimit 3. cum natura mentis non convenit adaequate 4. hujus ideae ideam adaequate humanae mentis naturam non exprimit 5. adaequatam ejus cognitionem non involvit.
{2p35} [About ideas] 1. indadequate 2. mutilated and confused. [De ideis] 1. inadaequatae 2. mutilatae et confusae
{2p35} 1. knowledge 2. idea 1. cognitio 2. ideae
{2p36} [About ideas] 1. adequate 2. clear and distinct  [De ideis] 1. adaequatae 2. clarae  ac distinctae
{2p38c} 1. ideas 2. notions 1. ideas 2. notiones
{2p49} 1. affirmation of a concept 2. idea 1. affirmatio conceptum 2. ideam
{3d03} [notes] [About the human mind] 1. [mental BH] emotion  2. the ideas of the affections of the body, whereby the active power of the said body is increased or diminished, aided or constrained
[De menti humani] 1. affectum [affectus-mens] 2.  ideas corporis affection[um] quibus ipsius corporis agendi potentia augetur vel [excl non-exh] minuitur, juvatur vel [excl non-exh] coercetur
{3p30} [About humans] 1. be affected by pleasure, accompanied by the idea of oneself as cause 2. regard oneself with pleasure. [De hominum] 1. laetitia concomitante idea sui tanquam causa afficietur 2. se ipsum cum laetitia contemplabitur
{3p40} 1. affected by pain associated with the idea of the one we hate 2. hate someone 1. tristitia afficietur concomitante idea ejus qui ipsum odio habet 2. eundem odio habebit.
{3de06} [notes] 1. Love 2. pleasure, accompanied by the idea of an external cause 1. Amor 2. laetitia concomitante idea  causae externae
{3de07} 1. Hatred 2. pain, accompanied by the idea of an external cause. 1. Odium 2. tristitia concomitante idea  causae externae
{3de12} 1. Hope 2. an inconstant pleasure, arising from the idea of something past or future, whereof we to a certain extent doubt the issue. 1. Spes 2. inconstans laetitia orta ex idea rei futurae vel [excl non-exh] praeterit de cujus eventu aliquatenus dubitamus. 
{3de13} [notes] 1. Fear 2. an inconstant pain arising from the idea of something past or future, whereof we to a certain extent doubt the issue 1. Metus 2. inconstans tristitia orta ex idea rei futurae vel [excl non-exh] praeterit de cujus eventu aliquatenus dubitamus.
{3de16} 1. Joy 2. pleasure accompanied by the idea of something past, which has had an issue beyond our hope. 1. Gaudium 2. laetitia concomitante idea rei praeterit quae praeter spem evenit. 
{3de18} 1. Pity 2. pain accompanied by the idea of evil, which has befallen someone else whom we imagine to be like ourselves 1. Commiseratio 2. tristitia concomitante idea mali quod alteri quem nobis similem esse imaginamur, evenit.
{3de27} 1. Repentance 2. pain accompanied by the idea of some action, which we believe we have performed by the free decision of our mind. 1. Paenitentia 2. tristitia concomitante idea alicujus facti quod nos ex libero mentis decreto fecisse credimus. 
{3de30} 1. Honour 2. pleasure accompanied by the idea of some action of our own, which we imagine to be praised by others. 1. Gloria 2. laetitia concomitante idea alicujus nostrae actionis quam alios laudare imaginamur
{3dg} 1. Emotion 2. passivity of the soul 2. a confused idea, whereby the mind affirms concerning its body, or any part thereof, a force for existence greater or less than before, and by the presence of which the mind is determined to think of one thing rather than another. 1. Affectus 2. animi pathema 3. confusa idea qua mens majorem vel [non-excl non-exh] minorem sui corporis vel alicujus ejus partis existendi vim quam antea affirmat et qua data ipsa mens ad hoc potius quam ad illud cogitandum determinatur.
{4p08} 1. emotion 2. idea about an affection of the body 1. affectu 2. idea corporis affectionis
{4p27} 1. has adequate ideas 2. reasons [About the mind] [De menti] 1. ideas habet adaequatas 2. ratiocinatur
{5p23} 1. concept 2. idea 1. conceptus 2. idea 
{5p28} [About ideas]  1. adequate 2. by the second and third kinds of knowledge [De ideis] 1. adaequatis 2. ex secundo et tertio cognitionis