{1d03 substantia}

Meaning The thing that is, includes, everything and causes itself. Substantia = God = natura-sense 2.
Occurrence [geomap] Last occurrence: {2L4}, its equivalences natura-sense 2, a primitive, and Deus (dense occurrence) occur until the end.
{1d05 modus}                                                                                     ...two highly technical and complicated strings expressing the same meaning...
...the modifications [Lat: affectiones] of substance, or that which exists in, and is conceived through, something other than itself. ...substantiae affectiones sive  [mng-eqv] id quod in alio est, per quod etiam concipitur.
{1p04 distinctae attributorum vel affectionum}                  ..."substances" means the same as "their attributes and affectiones"...
... the substances, or, in other words ... their attributes and modifications... ... substantias sive  [prf-eqv] quod idem est ... earum attributa earumque affectiones...
{1p07 substanti existere}                                                              ... substance exists by nature ...
...Existence belongs to the nature of substances. ... Ad naturam  substantiae pertinet existere.
... Substance cannot be produced by anything external ... it must ... be its own cause-that is, its essence necessarily involves existence, or existence belongs to its nature ... ... Substantia non potest produci ab alio ... erit itaque causa sui id est ... ipsius essentia involvit necessario existentiam sive  [mng eqv]  ad ejus naturam pertinet existere ...
{1p11 Deus sive substantia necessario existit}                    ...God is substance...
...God, or substance... ... Deus sive [prf-eqv] substantia ...
{2p10 hominis substanti formam}                                             ... man's being and the being of substance are different forms of being (duration versus absolute infinity and eternality) ...
... The status of being of the substance does not appertain to the essence of man-in other words, substance does not constitute the actual being of man. ... Ad essentiam hominis non pertinet esse substantiae sive [mng eqv]  substantia formam hominis non constituit.
... The being of substance involves necessary existence ... If, therefore, the being of substance appertains to the essence of man, substance being granted, man would necessarily be granted also  ... and, consequently, man would necessarily exist, which is absurd ... ... Esse enim  substantiae involvit necessariam existentiam ... Si igitur ad hominis essentiam pertineret esse substantiae, data ergo substantia, daretur necessario homo ... et consequenter homo necessario existeret, quod ... est absurdum ...

Equivalence claims involving substantia
{1d03} [notes] 1. substance 2. that which is in itself and is conceived by itself  3. that of which a conception can be formed independently of any other conception. 1. substantiam 2. id quod in se est et per se concipitur 3. id cujus conceptus non indiget conceptu alterius rei a quo formari debeat.
{1d04} [notes] 1. attribute 2. that which the intellect perceives as constituting the essence of substance. 1. attributum 2. id quod intellectus de substantia percipit tanquam ejusdem essentiam constituens.
{1d05} [notes] 1. mode 1. modifications [Lat: affectiones] of substance 3. that which exists in, and is conceived through, something other than itself. 1. modum 2. substantiae affectiones 3. id quod in alio est, per quod etiam concipitur.
{1d06} [notes] 1. God 2. a being absolutely infinite-that is, a substance consisting in infinite attributes, of which each expresses eternal and infinite essentiality. 1. Deum 2. ens absolute infinitum hoc est substantiam constantem infinitis attributis quorum unumquodque aeternam et infinitam essentiam exprimit.
{1p05} [About substances] 1. nature 2. attributes [De substantiis] 1. naturae 2. attributi.