
How EthicaWeb Works

Obviously, and as done before, Ethica's original deductive self-references are made into hyperlinks. But not only the 76 defined terms are turned into hyperlink targets, also 55 philosophical primitive terms used but not formally defined in Ethica are linked to a note page of their own (see lists through geometrical report). As a result, e.g. 1p06 substantia produci substantia reads like this (the sample is not a screenshot but clickable html that leads into Ethica Help-Web)

1p06 substantia produci substantia 1p06 substantia produci substantia [geomap]
PROP. VI. One substance cannot be produced by another substance. PROPOSITIO VI: Una substantia non potest produci ab alia substantia.
Proof.-It is impossible that there should be in the universe two substances with an identical attribute, i.e. which have anything common to them both (Prop. ii.), and, therefore (Prop. iii.), one cannot be the cause of the other, neither can one be produced by the other. Q.E.D. DEMONSTRATIO: In rerum natura non possunt dari duae  substantiae ejusdem attributi (per propositionem praecedentem {1p05}) hoc est (per propositionem 2 {1p06}) quae aliquid inter se commune habent. Adeoque (per propositionem 3 {1p03}) una alterius causa esse nequit sive [mng eqv]  ab alia non potest produci. Q.E.D.
o The proposition has code "1p06" and mnemonic "substantia produci substantia"
ο the link "[geomap]" is explained below
ο Only the deductive elements are on grey background (not scholia, appendices, explications, etc.),
ο Ethica's defined terms are italicized
ο Philosophical primitive terms not italicized
ο Propositions used in the demonstration of {1p06} linked to their locus.

clicking on the link "[geomap]" yields the geomap of {1p06}. Below is a screenshot

Geomap sample screen shot [go the the real web geomap]

- to the left you see the original references made in the proposition Ethica-{1p06},
- to right you see other deductive elements and philosophical primitives that use the element {1p06}, for instance proposition pages that, in Ethica, use proposition {1p06} as a premise in their proofs.
- the deduction of Ethica moves from left (start of exposition) to right (towards end of exposition).
- you can move backward in the deductive system by clicking on an element in the left column. This will move that element to the centre. You can repeat this until you reached an initial geomap. Initial geomaps have no elements in the left column and read: "REFERS TO 0". It could be a philosophical primitive, or definition when it does not use any  philosophical primitive. The second possibility does not occur in Ethica, hence backward clicking always ends at a philosophical primitive.
- In the right column of the geomap of {1p06} you see where {1p06} is used: {1p06} is used in the demonstrations of two propositions only, {1p12} and {1p30}. If you keep moving right-column elements to the centre you will usually end at one of Ethica's terminal propositions. A terminal proposition's geomap's right column is empty and reads "IS REFERRED TO BY 0" . But not only propositions are terminal in Ethica. Some other deductive elements: axioms, postulates and definitions are terminal as well (find all terminal elements through the geometrical report, under usage frequency of zero).

Structure of notes pages (example: pp1d02 cogitare, cogitatio NOT cognitio.html ):
Every one of the 76 defined and 55 philosophical primitive terms has its own notes page, containing salient passages using a term, truncated but linked to the source, with in bold the reason why selected and displayed. The notes pages link naming (as in the "all entries"- and "terms alphabetical"-view) is as follows:

Every notes page ends with a list of strings presented in Ethica as equivalents (see equivalence claims) in which the term occurs, that is, all loci where Ethica uses connectors of the  "in other words"-family (that is: some senses of sive, seu, aut, hoc est, etc.)